Manny Hollander- THE “Mentaldos”
Manny Holander is the first charedi mentalist of his kind in the world, nicknamed the “mentaldos”.
Already during his time in yeshiva Manny was fascinated by the art of illusion, magic and mentalism. He started to learn and apprentice by one of the greats Yuval Keren.
His breakthrough and fame came from the show “Got Talent Israel” where he performed and stunned the judges with rare and original acts that left an amazing imprint on everyone attending.
The show created an opportunity for Manny to appear throughout media outlets and became a sought after guest and many TV channels in Israel and worldwide.
These days Manny has a new performance where the audience gets to witness breath taking acts of mentalism and telepathy, during the performance the crowd will be subjects to amazing mind reading, a person who forgets himself, being unable to recognize flavors, stating personal fact about people from the crowd and many more.
The performance gives the attendees a run for all there senses on an international level. Starting with hypnotizing acts of telepathy, to controlling the emotions and senses of the audience as well as getting out of dangerous and stressful situations as you grip your seats and gasp for air while watching. There is swiftness, music, comedy, humor and much more that can only be taken in in live.