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The FDD Vocals Band

The FDD Vocal is comprised of 6 young singers, graduates of IDF military bands, who have joined together to form a new and successful ensemble and have achieved tremendous success in Israel and around the world.

The ensemble provides accompaniment to leading singers, Shabbat celebrations, independent musical performance, and accompaniment of canopies and the like. With an emphasis on the entire range of musical styles: Hasidic, Israeli, Latin, and even songs and prayers from the Sephardic community, their performance is characterized by complex vocal processing and exceptional harmonic performance.


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מחרוזת חסידית I ווקאל'ס Chasidi Medley I FDD Vocal I

מחרוזת חסידית I ווקאל'ס Chasidi Medley I FDD Vocal I

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לכה דודי I ווקאל'ס Lecha Dodi I FDD Vocal I

לכה דודי I ווקאל'ס Lecha Dodi I FDD Vocal I

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אשת חיל I ווקאל'ס I חופה Eshet Chail I FDD Vocal I Chupa I Live

אשת חיל I ווקאל'ס I חופה Eshet Chail I FDD Vocal I Chupa I Live

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